Thursday, March 11, 2021

Some interesting Voice Changing

Some interesting Voice Changing


       Clause object :

       †Kv‡bv verb-Gi object hw` clause nq Z‡e H clause-†K subject wnmv‡e cÖ_‡g Avb‡Z n‡e Ges Dfq clause-Gi voice change Ki‡Z n‡e|

       Active   :  We must endure what we cannot cure.

       Passive : What cannot be cured must be endured.

       Z‡e that clause-†K cÖ_‡g Avbv hvq bv Ges cÖ_g Ask it is/was + verb3+ that clause  n‡e|

       Active : We believe that the earth moves round the sun.

       Passive : It is believed that the earth moves round the sun.

       Active : We thought that he was the right man for the job.

       Passive : It was thought that he was the right man for the job.

       Active : The newspapers say that his company is in trouble.

       Passive : It is said that his company is in trouble.

       Active : Everybody thought that he was a spy.

       Passive : It was thought that he was a spy.


       It is/ was time + infinitive:                                                 

       It is/was time Gi ci infinitive-Gi cwie‡Z© that + infinitive Gi object-wU subject n‡e + AwZwi³ should be + verb-Gi 3rd form

       Active : It is time to do the work.

       Passive : It is time that the work should be done.

       A_ev, It is/was time Gi ci for + infinitive Gi object-wU subject n‡e + AwZwi³ to be + verb-Gi 3rd form

       Active : It is time to do the work.

       Passive : It is time for the work to be done.

       Active : It is time to say the prayer.

       Passive : It is time for the prayer to be said.

       Active : It is time to watch the movie.

       Passive : It is time for the movie to be watched.

       Active : It is time to take execise.

       Passive : It is time for exercise to be taken.


       It is/ was + adjective + infinitive:

       It is/was +adjective + infinitive-Gi cwie‡Z© that + infinitive Gi object-wU subject n‡e + AwZwi³ should be + verb-Gi 3rd form

       Active : It is necessary to call in doctor.

       Passive : It is necessary that a doctor should be called in.

       A_ev, It Gi cwie‡Z© infinitive Gi object-wU em‡e; to Gi ci be em‡e Ges verb-Gi 3rd form em‡e; Ab¨ †Kv‡bv cwieZ©b n‡e bv|

       Active : It is necessary to call in a doctor.

       Passive : A doctor is necessary to be called in.

       Active : It is useful to take exercise.

       Passive : Exercise is useful to be taken.

       Active : It is essential to eat a balanced diet.

       Passive : A balanced diet is essential to be eaten.

       Active : It is important to learn English.

       Passive : English is important to be learnt.

       Active : It is urgent to eradicate dowry.

       Passive : Dowry is urgent to be eradicated.


       Quasi passive (taste, feel, smell, sound-G RvZxq verb _v‡K) ev‡K¨i †¶‡Î ïay g–j verb-wUi 3rd form Ges Gi c–‡e© GKwU AwZwi³ be verb em‡e|

       Active : Green mangoes taste sour.

       Passive : Green mangoes are tasted sour.

       Active : The book is printing.

       Passive : The book is being printed.

       A_ev, Complement _vK‡j cÖ`Ë As‡ki verb-wUi cwie‡Z© be verb em‡e Ges when/ if hy³ GKwU AwZwi³ clause ewm‡qI Kiv hvq|

       Active : Green mangoes taste sour.

       Passive : Green mangoes are sour when/ if (they are) tasted.

       Active : The bed feels soft.

       Passive : The bed is soft when it is felt.

       Active : The beli smells sweet.

       Passive : The beli is sweet when it is smelt.

       Active : The music sounds melodious.

       Passive : The music is melodious when it is sounded.


       Verb + object + infinitive:  (to + verb-†K infinitive e‡j)

       object-Gi ci infinitive _vK‡j Avgiv mvaviYZ infinitive Ask‡K extension a‡i mvaviY wbq‡g voice change Kwi| †hgb:

       Active : He invited me to go.

       Passive : I was invited to go.

       Active : Father asked me to read.

       Passive : I was asked to read by father.

       Active : The doctor advised me to take rest.

       Passive : I was advised to take rest by the doctor.

       Active : Rana prosposed me to play chess.

       Passive : I was proposed to play chess by Rana.

       Active : He suggested me to go out for a walk.

       Passive : I was suggested to go out for a walk.


       Z‡e, liking/ loving/ wanting/ wishing verb-Gi object-Gi ci infinitive _vK‡j :

       cÖ_‡g subject + verb wjL‡Z n‡e + infinitive Gi object-wU + to Gi ci be em‡e Ges verb-Gi 3rd form em‡e + by + cÖ_g verb-Gi object

       Active : He wants me to take photographs.

       Passive : He wants photographs to be taken by me.

       Active : You like me to take tea.

       Passive : You like tea to be taken by me.

       Active : I wish you to lead a happy life.

       Passive : I wish a happy life to be led by you.

       Active : You want me to lend some money.

       Passive : You want some money to be lent by you.

       Active : Children like grandfather to tell a story.

       Passive : Children like a story to be told by grandfather.


       Verb + infinitive/ gerund:

       cÖ_g verb ch©š@ + that em‡e + 2q verb-Gi object + should be + 2q verb-Gi 3rd form

       Active : He recommended using bullet-proof glass.

       Passive : He recommended that bullet-proof glass should be used.

       Active : He decided to sell the house.

       Passive : He decided that the house should be sold.

       Active : He thought to memorize the poem.

       Passive : He thought that the poem should be memorized.

       Active : He planned to complete the work.

       Passive : He planned that the work should be completed.

       Active : He wants to buy the book.

       Passive : He wants that the book should be bought.


       †Kv‡bv Simple sentence-G A_ev GKwU gvÎ clause G Double Passive nq bv| †hgb :

       Active : I like to take fresh milk.

       Passive :  Fresh milk is liked to take by me.

       Active : He wants to drink tea.

       Passive : Tea is wanted to drink by him.


       Complex/ Compound sentence-Gi †¶‡Î Dfq clause-Gi voice change Ki‡Z n‡e| Z‡e †Kv‡bv As‡ki verb hw` intransitive nq Z‡e H As‡ki voice change Ki‡Z n‡e bv|

Active : He ate rice and I drank coffee.

Passive : Rice was eaten by him and coffee was drunk by me.

Active : He ate rice and (he) drank coffee.

Passive : Rice was eaten (by him) and coffee was drunk by him. (GLv‡b Dfq As‡ki subject/ doer GKB nIqvq ïay 2q As‡k + by †hv‡M doer-wU Object wnmv‡e †jLv n‡q‡Q|)

       Active : If you buy a sari, I will buy a shirt.

       Passive : If a sari is bought by you, a shirt will be bought by me.

       Active : Rana read a book but Sumi wrote a letter.

       Passive : A book was read by Rana but a letter was written by Sumi.

       Active : We were playing cricket and you were watching the movie.

       Passive : Cricket was being played by us and the movie was being watched by you.


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