Monday, March 1, 2021

SSC-2021 English Second Paper Model Test


English Second Paper

Model Test


Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the form of some of the words.                                                                0.5×10=5                                                                                           











You may need to use one word more than once.   a)―――- in the southern part of Asia. She is now (b)―――- in the grip of all (c)―――- of pollutions like air pollutions, soil pollution, and water pollution. The dwellers of the urban areas are the (d)―――- sufferers of such pollution. The industrialization process (e)―――- Bangladesh over the past decades (f)―――- created significant environmental pollutions. We know (g)―――- some of the most common types (h)―――- environmental pollutions and ways of (i)―――- with them. In this case, we need (j)―――- most. 


2. Fill in the blanks with suitable words.                                      0.5×10=5                               

Truthfulness (a)---- to the habit of speaking the truth. It is (b)­­­---- greatest of all virtues in a man’s life. The true peace and prosperity of a man entirely depends (c)---- it. It ennobles one’s character and gives one high (d)---- in society. It may not make one rich (e)---- brings peace of mind. A truthful person is loved and respected (f)---- all. A truthful person cares (g)----. All religions teach us to (h)---- truthful. By (i)---- of truthfulness all can shine in life. Truthfulness (j)---- lead the whole world to peace and prosperity.


3. Make five sentences using parts of sentences from each column of the table below.                                                                                                   1×6=6                                                                                                                            

Many of us







the life of dying patients.

By donating blood, we

misconception about blood donation.

Blood donation

cause no harm to us.

Every man in sound health

encourage others to donate blood

Donating blood

donate blood after every three months.


a very noble deed.


4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.     













One day the great poet Ferdousi (a) ―― by Sultan Mahmood to (b) ―― Shahanama in honour of the Sultan. The sultan (c) ―― to pay Ferdousi a gold coin for each verse. Ferdousi (d) ―― the writing and it (e) ―― found (f) ―― sixty thousand verses. Now Sultan (g) ―― to pay sixty thousand gold coins. He (h) ―― to pay silver coins instead of gold coins. The poet (i) ―― to take silver coins and (j) ―― to his village.

5. Change the sentences according to directions.                                    1×10 = 10 

(a) Very few conquerors of the world were as great as Taimur. (Superlative)
(b) The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur. (Active)
(c) Taimur is greater than most other conquerors of the world. (Positive)
(d) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Passive)
(e) He disguised himself to survive. (Negative)
(f) He was very hungry for food.(Interrogative)

(g) There Taimur was given some food. (Active)
(h) The woman became sympathetic to see Taimur.(Interrogative)
(i) The food was very hot.(Exclamatory)
(j) Taimur was too hungry to wait. (Negative)

6. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis.                                                                                     0.5×14=7                           

People are (a) ---- (general) fond of (b)------(glitter) things. They are the (c) ---- (love) of surface. They are (d)-------(connect) with the (e) ---- (out) show of things and beings. They (f) ---- (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (g) ---- (value) thing. But there are (h) ---- (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (i) ---- (beauty). So, the surface of (j)-------(any)  should not be the key for its (k) ---- (measure). We all should be (l) ---- (care) about this (m)--------(true). Otherwise, we will have to be (n) ---- (repent) in the long run.


 7. Make tag questions of these statements.                                               1×7=7             

(a) At present, everybody likes cricket, ---- ?
(b) Students hardly miss watching this game, ---- ?
(c) Nothing is more enjoyable to them than cricket, ---- ?
(d) How exciting the game is! ---- ?
(e) Let’s play this game, ---- ?

(f) Cricket is more enjoyable than any other game,----------?

(g) There is hardly any person who doesn’t like this game,---------------?


8. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.                                                                                                                                        10

whats your programme after the examination asked ratul nabil and I said i havent yet decided can you suggest any lets go for a picnic said ratul what an excellent idea ok I need permission from my parents first

Part B: Composition (40 marks)

9. Suppose, some Executive Officers will be appointed in Standard Bank Bank. You, Monir/ Monira, are interested to be an Executive Officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post.                                                                                                15                                                                                                                                                                                                              

10. Imagine, you are Sumon/Sumona, a student of Jamalpur Zilla School, Jamanpur. There is no Multimedia Classroom in your school. The students have to suffer a lot for want of MMC class. So they need a multimedia classroom. Now, write an application to your Headmaster on behalf of the students for setting up a multimedia Classroom in your school.                                                                                                                  10                                                                     

11. Write a paragraph on “A Moonlit Night”.                                                      15      

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