Sunday, August 23, 2020

এই Rules দেখলে যে কেউ TAG QUESTION পারবেই, ১০০% নিশ্চয়তা

Tag question



Teacher, English

1. g~j Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e + Comma(,) e‡m +Tense Abyhvqx cÖ_‡g Auxiliary verb,   positive n‡j ‘not’ hv Auxiliary verb Gi mv‡_ Short form ‡b‡e Ges Gi ci subject Gi pronoun em‡e| Gi ev‡K¨i †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý (note of interrogation) (?)e‡m | 

1. He will play football, won’t he?

2. She is pretty, isn’t she?

3. She can play the piano, can’t she?

2. Tag Question Gi Subject (KZv©) me mgq g~j Subject Gi Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨en~Z nq | 

1. Rina will sing a folk song, won’t she?

2. Rahim went to Dhaka yesterday, didn’t he?

3. Rima cooked rice, didn’t she?      

4. Hasan plays cricket, doesn’t he?

5. My friends play football, don’t they?   

6. Fishes can swim, can’t they?

7. A good rain can give us some relief, can’t it?

3.    g~j Sentence wU Affirmative  (n¨v-†evaK) n‡j, tag  wU n‡e Negative (bv †evaK) |

                  1. Mr Brown teaches us English, doesn’t he? 

                  2. He may pass the exam, mayn’t he?

3. The man would do it, wouldn’t he?            

4. He is a liar,isn’t he?

5. I will make tea, won’t I?                              

6. He invited me, didn’t he?

7. Nafisa was studying English, wasn’t she?


4. g~j Sentence wU Negative (b-†evaK) n‡j Tag  wU n‡e Affirmative (n¨v †evaK)|

1. He doesn’t take sugar in the tea, does he?   

2. He doesn’t read in this school, does he?

3. I don’t like banana, do I?                               

4. There is no water in the glass, is there?


5.    g~j ev‡K¨ mvnvh¨Kvix  verb _vK‡j tag  wn‡m‡e Number  I Person Abyhvqx H mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wU em‡e |

1. I shall never tell a lie, shall I?      

2. You need not go to the field, need you?

3. You have done well, haven’t you?


6. g~j ev‡K¨ †Kvb mvnvh¨Kvix Verb(Auxiliary verb) bv _vK‡j Tag wn‡m‡e Present Indefinite Tense (Subject +Verb +/s/es +Extension) Gi  †¶‡Î  do/does  em‡e |

1. I prefer milk to tea, don’t I? 

2. Grammen Bank provides loan to the poor, doesn’t it?

3. We ought to love our country, oughtn’t we?

4. Fortune favoures the brave, don’t they?


7. g~j ev‡K¨ †Kvb mvnvh¨Kvix Verb bv _vK‡j Tag wn‡m‡e Past  Indefinite Tense (Subject + verb of past form + Extension)  Gi  †¶‡Î  did   em‡e |

1. Reza got a job, didn’t he?                             

2. We saw the boys playing, didn’t we?

3. The boy saw a snake, didn’t he?                   

4. America attacked Iraq, didn’t she?


5. They came here, didn’t they?                  

6. Rahim went to Dhaka yesterday, didn’t he?


8.    We e¨ZxZ †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject Plural  n‡j Tag-G iƒcvšÍ‡ii mgq mvnvh¨Kvix  Verb Gi  c‡i  they e‡m |

1. Sinners suffer in the long run, don’t they?

2. Fishes can swim, can’t they?

3. Birds can’t swim, can they?


9.     ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject  “I”  n‡j, I Gi c‡i  am  e¨en~Z  n†j tag Gi  †¶‡Î aren’t   e‡m |

1. I am waiting for him, aren’t I?     

2. I am your well-wishers, aren’t I?

3. I am a student, aren’t I?                 

4. I am happy, aren’t I?

5. I am ten years old, aren’t I?           

6. I am punctual, aren’t I?

10. ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject  I  n‡j, I Gi c‡i  am not e¨en~Z  n†j tag Gi  †¶‡Î am I   e‡m |

1. I am not a doctor, am I?         

2. I am not so interested in the business, am I?


11.  Imperative Sentence  Gi  Tag mvavibZt will  w`‡q kyiy nq |

            1. Open the windows, will you ?            

2. Don’t tell it again, will you?


12. Positive request (Aby‡iva) Command (Av‡`k) Gi †¶‡Î tag wU Positive n‡Z cv‡i Avevi  Negative I n‡Z cv‡i

1. Shut the door, will you?                              

2. Shut the book, will you?

3. Please lend me some money, will you?      

4. Respect the old, won’t you?

5. Open the door, won’t you?                         

6. Wait here a moment, won’t you?

7. Kindly do me a favour, won’t you?           

8. Sit down please, won’t you?


13. wKšÍ Negative request (Aby‡iva), command ( Av‡`k) I advice (Dc‡`k) Gi †¶‡Î Tag wU me mgq Postive nq |

1. Don’t forget me, will you?                                          

2. Don’t boil rice, will you?

3. Don’t disturb me, will you?                                         

4. Don’t make a noise, will you?


14. ev‡K¨i ïiy‡Z Do not / Don’t / Never  _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  Will you e¨eüZ n†e  |

1. Don’t disturb me, will you?                              

2. Don’t waste time, will you?

3. Do not tell it again, will you?

15. Aby‡ivam~PK (Please, Kindly, Would) ev‡K¨i †¶‡Î  Would you/can you/can’t you/could you/couldn’t you  mvavibZ e¨eüZ nq | Z‡e will you/won’t you I e¨eüZ  n†Z cv‡i |

1. Kindly do me a favour, can you/will you?

2. Please lend me some money, could you/will you?


16.  Let us /Let’s (cÖ¯Íve †evSvq) hw` Statement G e¨eüZ  nq Z‡e Tag G shall we e¨eüZ n†e  |

1. Let’s have a walk, shall we?

2. Let’s go on a picnic, shall we?

3. Let’s have a walk by the riverside, shall we?

4. Let’s discuss the matter, shall we?                      

5. Let us build our nation, shall we?

6. Let us work together, shall we?     


17. Let Gi ci hw` us  bv †_‡K Let me/Let him/Let her/Let them/Let the boy/Let Kamal  w`‡q hw` AbygwZ †evSvq †m¶‡Î Tag Question n‡e Will you?

1. Let me do the work, will you?                                

2. Let her come in, will you?

3. Let me be alone, will you?                                         

4. Let me enjoy the party, will you?


18. Nothing I Everything, something  wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Tag G it  e¨eüZ   nq|

Nothing is impossible, is it?                              
Nothing is certain, is it?
Everything looked beautiful, didn’t it?      
Something should be done, shouldn’t it?


Nothing can concern you, can it?                       
Nothing comes from nothing, does it?

Nothing is impossible in this world, is it?


19. Everyone, Everybody, Someone, Somebody, Anyone, Anybody, All, Øviv MwVZ Sentence Gi Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e ‘they’ Pronoun  wU  e¨eüZ  nq |

Every mother loves her child, don’t they?


20.  No one, Nobody,   None, Neither Øviv MwVZ Sentence Gi Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e ‘they’ Pronoun  wU e¨eüZ  nq |

Nobody called me, did they?                            
None can do it, can they?


21. ‡h mg¯Í Statement wKQy wKQy we‡kl kã †hgb t never, no, none, no one, nobody, neither, nothing, barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely, seldom, hardly, ever, few, little etc avib K‡i Zv‡`i‡K  Negative Statement wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq | Ges G†`i Tag question  G Affirmative question e¨eüZ  nq |


He hardly comes here, does she?                      
He hardly believes me, does he?


Never tell a lie, do you?                                       
Nobody called you, did they?
He has little idea, has he?                                
He seldom comes here, does he?


22. g~j ev‡K¨ Subject I Auxiliary verb msw¶ß AvKv‡i Aem&_vb Ki‡j Tag question Kivi Av‡M msw¶ß AvKv‡ii mwVK iƒcwU wbwðZ n‡Z n‡e |

He’d go there, wouldn’t he?     (He’d =He would)

He’d gone there, hadn’t he?     (He’d= He had)


23. ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z There is _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  isn’t there  e¨eüZ  nq | ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z There are _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  aren’t there  e¨eüZ  nq |

There is a mistake, isn’t there? 
There are many books on the table, aren’t there?


24. wKšÍ ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z There is no _vK‡j Tag question As‡k is there e¨eüZ  nq |

There is no king in China, is there?


25. Statement Gi Subject wn‡m‡e hw` all of you/none of you/some of you/most of you/everyone of you e¨eüZ  nq †¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e You e¨en~Z nq |

All of you know English, don’t you? 
None of you can do the sum, can you?


26. Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  hw` BZi cÖvYx, wkky ev Ro c`v_© e¨en~Z nq †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e It e¨eüZ  nq |

The baby is crying for its mother, isn’t it? 
The dog is a faithful animal, isn’t it?          

This is a nice book, isn’t it?


27. Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  This/that e¨eüZ n‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e It e¨en~Z nq | Avevi Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  This/that e¨en~Z n‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e They e¨eüZ  nq |

This is a book, isn’t it?                                         
These are my books, aren’t they?

28. ‡Uªb, (The Padma Express, The Surma Express etc) RvnvR, (The Titanic , The The Bengal,) †`k, (Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Japan, etc) wegvb (The Biman Bangladesh Airlines, The Sudia Airlans ) Puv`, (The moon) c„w_ex, (The Earth) emšÍ (The Spring), The Autumn, Nature, Liberty, Justic, Mercy,  Hope, Charity, Love, Steamer,  Launch, Boat, Bus cÖf„wZ‡K Feminine gender wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| G me Noun Øviv gnZ¡,†mŠ›`h© I D`viZv cÖKvk K‡i| myZivs Gi Subject wn‡m‡e  e¨en~Z n‡j Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e She e¨eüZ  nq | Z‡e G†¶‡Î it e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |

The moon has hidden her face behind the cloud, hasn’t she/it?

The Spring came with all her beauties, didn’t she/it?

Bangladesh is not rich in mineral resources, is she?

The Jamuna Express is running at a full speed , isn’t she/it?


29. Statement G Verb  wn‡m‡e  hw`  have to _vK‡j  Tag question G  doesn’t/don’t e‡m Ges had to _vK‡j didn’t e‡m | Z‡e G†¶‡Î haven’t/hadn’t e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |

They have to do it, don’t they?/haven’t they?         
      We had to do it, don’t we?


30.The Sun, summer, Winter, Fire, death, Storm,Flood, war, winter, Sidr, Tidal bore,Tidal wave, Earthquake/Cyclone cÖf„wZ Masculine gender wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq |myZivs Giv Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ  n‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© Tag question G Subject wn‡m‡e he e‡m | G me Noun Øviv w¶cÖZv,cÖPÛZv, cÖKvk K‡i| Z‡e it I e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |


The Sun sheds his beams on the rich hand the poor alike, doesn’t he/it?


31. He has a problem G ai‡bi †K `yfv‡e cwieZ©b Kiv hvq |

(a) He has a problem, doesn’t he? 
(b) He has a problem, hasn’t he?


32. ‡Kvb Statement G Subject Gi c~‡e© hw` Adjective _v‡K Z‡e †m†¶‡Î Tag question G any e‡m |

No money is allowed, isn’t any?


33.‡Kvb ev‡K¨ had better /had rather _vK‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question G hadn’t e‡m |


You had better stay in bed,hadn’t you?

You had rather wait here a moment, hadn’t you?


34. ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Would  _vK‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question G wouldn’t  e‡m |

You would rather help him, wouldn’t you?


35.Be Verb hy³ Exclamatory Sentence G isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t e‡m GesMSubject Noun  n‡j Gi Pronoun  e¨eüZ  nq |

How nice the flower is,isn’t it?           
How beautiful the garden is,isn’t it?


36. g~j Verb hy³ Exclamatory Sentence  G don’t/doesn’t/didn’t  e¨eüZ  nq |

How sweetly the bird sings, doesn’t it?


37. Infinitive (to+ verb)I Gerund (Verb +ing ) ‡Kvb ev‡K¨  Subject  wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ  n‡j Tag question Kivi mgq it †K Subject  wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e |Walking is a good exercise, isn’t it?

01.  No living being is above death, ………………..?

02.  A boy like you should not do this,……………..?

03.  Allah may excuse a sinner,…………………….?

04.  Barking dogs seldom bite,……………………..?

05.  Be dignified,…………………………………….?

06. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, …………?

07.  Good bye,……………………………………….?

08.  He’s reading yesterday,………………………..?

09.  Men who live long grow old,…………………..?





cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z hardly, hardly ever, scarcely, rarely, barely, narrowly, seldom, almost not, almost never, only just, a little, few, very few, not much, not often, not a lot, not enough, not sufficiently, insufficiently, infrequently, not so frequently, never, nowhere, nowhere else, no other, no longer, no more, nothing but, none but BZ¨vw` negative-†evaK kã _vK‡j tag question Kivi mgq affirmative w`‡q Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-


For family purposes Sathi hardly goes to market for shopping, does she?

 The lady has properties but not a lot, has she?

The foreigner wants nothing but his lost passport, does he?

 Nowadays women in our country are no longer confined within the four walls of the house, are they?

 At the time of great danger, the man financially aids his friend a little, does he?

 Nothing but this pen is suitable for that purpose, are they?

 No other island in the world is as large as Australia, are they?

A barking dog seldom bites, _________?

 In the whole universe none but God can save us, __________?

 Despite having other problems, the country meets natural disasters not so frequently, __________?

The rich rarely assist the poor to become self-reliant, __________?


cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wUi subject wKsev object wn‡m‡e what, where, how, why, when, which, whose, whom, that, whatever, whoever, whichever, wherever, whenever, whosever, whomever BZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZ clause _vK‡j Zvi cwie‡Z© it a‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| Z‡e †ÿÎwe‡k‡l whom, whomever, who, whoever, whose BZ¨vw` Øviv MwVZ clause mivmwi e¨w³‡K wb‡`©k Ki‡j it e¨envi bv K‡i he / they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-


(a) That Nishat cut a brilliant figure in the HSC Exam is known to us all,  isn’t it?

(b) In the morning daily why the lady goes out for at least one hour has made her family members

perplexed, hasn’t it?

(c) Everybody knows what he has done for us, don’t they?

(d) Where you will meet your friend definitely can be an important issue,

 can’t it?

(e) Who would be the next chairman of their department was not decided up to the interim exam, was it?

(f) The boy unconsciously did what he was forbidden to do, didn’t he?

(g) What has been done cannot be undone, can it?

(h) Whatever has been drawn by the beginners deserves fair evaluation, doesn’t it?

(i) Whomever you nominate for the committee will be selected finally,

 won’t he? (GLv‡b it n‡e bv)

(j) Whose laptop supports this 3D game has definitely been invited to this competition, hasn’t he? / haven’t they? (wKš‘)

cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z `yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause _vK‡j †m‡¶‡Î †h clause-wUi Dci †ewk ¸iZ¡v‡ivc Kiv nq (mvavibZ main / independent clause-wUi Dci) †m clause-wU Abymv‡i, wKsev clause-¸‡jvi NUbv μgvbymv‡i me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-


(a) The man who won the first prize in the competition was hailed very warmly, wasn’ he?

(b) After Simi had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Exam though she was an irregular student, didn’t she?

(c) Her pen friend told her that he might visit Bangladesh in the winter season for which they were ready, weren’t they?

(d) Walk fast lest you should miss the train, won’t you?

(e) The lady guest whom the writer had met at Foyot’s, a fashionable restaurant in Paris, was more than 40, wasn’t she?

(f) The boy unexpectedly failed in the examination though he was always engaged in study, didn’t he?

(g) Porna could not meet her friend when she went there, could she?

(h) The girl who cut a brilliant figure in the last examination is now insufficiently attentive to study, is she?

(i) It’s many years since we first met at Foyot’s, isn’t it?

(j) Please wait here until I come, won’t you?

`yB ev Z‡ZvwaK clause-mg„× g~j sentence-wUi ïiæ‡Z think, suppose, say, tell, opine, comment, remark, cite, inform, refer, influence, instigate, persuade, utter BZ¨vw` + (that) + clause _vK‡j †m‡¶‡Î that-Gi c~‡e©i clause-wU Abymv‡i tag bv K‡i eis c‡ii clause-¸‡jvi NUbv μgvbymv‡i me©‡kl ev P~ovšÍ NUbv wb‡`©kK clause-wU Abymv‡I tag question Ki‡Z n‡e| D‡jøL¨ †h, that-Gi c~‡e©i clause-wU negative n‡j affirmative w`‡q tag Ki‡Z n‡e| †hgb-


(a) Jerry said that he was responsible for breaking the axe-handle, wasn’t he?

(b) I think, you are the right person for doing this job, aren’t you?

(c) The man thought that his sons might be involved in corruption, mightn’t they?

(d) The foreigner remarks that free and fair election is the precondition for forming democratic government, isn’t it?

(e) We do not suppose that he is hungry, is he?

(f) Sabuz informed that everything should have been processed prior to that, shouldn’t they?

(g) She persuades that I should help her younger sister anyway, shouldn’t I?

(h) The President opines that the bill ought not to be resubmitted, ought it?

(i) The tourist-guide cites that the spot deserves to be a world heritage site, doesn’t it?


cÖ`Ë g~j sentence-wU‡Z subject-Gi As‡k together with, along with, accompanied by, as well as, including, tied in with, in somebody’s company, in addition to, with BZ¨vw` _vK‡j tag Kivi mgq Gme kãmg~‡ni Av‡Mi I c‡ii AskwU‡K subject wnmv‡e ai‡Z nq| g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, cÖ`Ë gyj sentence-wU‡Z verb-wU singular n‡jI tag- Gi As‡k subject I verb DfqB plural n‡e| †hgb-



(i) Supti as well as Dolly was responsible for that, weren’t they?

(ii) I, with my friends, teachers and other colleagues, am going to enjoy the match, aren’t we?

(iii) The man, along with his manager and some friends, is going to the party, aren’t they?

(iv)Karina together with her friends has attended the party,

haven’t they?

(v) Rita, accompanied by her husband and three children, has left Dhaka today, haven’t they?

(vi)Salina in her friend’s company attends the seminar today,

don’t they?

(vii) Edge modem together with TV card and LAN card has been installed with motherboard, haven’t they?


g~j sentence-Gi subject-Gi As‡k prepositional phrase / participle phrase _vK‡j D³ phrase-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU‡KB subject-Gi cÖwZwbwaZ¡Kvix wnmv‡e aiv nq| weavq D³ phrase-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU singular n‡j e¯‘i †ÿ‡Î it Ges e¨w³i †ÿ‡Î he / she e¨envi K‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq; Avi D³ phrase-Gi c~‡e©i AskwU plural n‡j me©`v they e¨envi K‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

(a) The learning of these new things is no longer interesting, is it?

(b) Several theories of this subject have been accepted, haven’t they?

(c) People walking on the road are also inhaling this gas, aren’t they?

(d) The sound of the workers dragging the logs was nothing but rhythmic, was it?

(e) During these years, the effects of this crime have been likely to be devastating, haven’t they?

(f) The fright of rape, outrage and robbery has caused many citizens to flee the towns, hasn’t it?

(g) The color of these books and scripts looks fine, doesn’t it?

(h) Many novels written by this writer were not published in his lifetime, were they?

Bs‡iwR fvlvq Ggb wKQy kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv singular Ges plural Dfqfv‡eB e¨eüZ n‡Z cv‡i| Gme kã n‡”Q a lot of, all, any, either----or, neither----nor, some, the rest, no, none, one-third, two-fifth, three-fourth, one tenth BZ¨vw`| Gme k‡ãi c‡ii AskwU singular n‡j verb-I singular nq Ges c‡ii AskwU plural n‡j verb-I plural nq|

D‡jL¨ †h, uncountable noun gvÎB singular n‡q _v‡K| G ai‡bi sentence-Gi tag question Kivi mgq g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h D³ kãmgy‡ni c‡ii AskwU countable n‡j tag question Ki‡Z plural subject (they) I plural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges uncountable n‡j tag question Ki‡Z singular subject (it) I singular verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb


(a) All of the forged money was found at last, wasn’t it?

(b) None of the applicants have been selected, have they?

(c) No examples are relevant to the matter, are they?

(d) One-third of the amount was spent and now the rest (of the amount) is mine, isn’t it?

(e) One-fifth of the students attended the seminar, didn’t they?

(f) Either Susan or Jennie is going to the party tonight, aren’t they?

(g) Either Suma or her friends have done this, haven’t they?

(h) Neither Shohel nor his parents are going to the sea-beach today,

 are they?


Bs‡iwR fvlvq Ggb KZ¸‡jv kã i‡q‡Q †h¸‡jv Øviv KZ¸‡jv wRwbm, Rš‘ wKsev e¨w³‡K GK‡Î eySvq| ‡hgb audience, army, band, chorus, class, club, committee, congress, crowd, faculty, family, government, group, jury, minority, orchestra, organisation, party, police, public, series, staff, team, flock of birds, flock of sheep, herd of cattle, pack of dogs, pride of lions, school of fish, 2 dollars, 3 dollars, ninety two dollars, 2 miles, seventy miles, twenty-three kilometres, thousand kilometres, forty minutes BZ¨vw`| Bs‡iwR‡Z G‡`i‡K collective noun ejv nq| Gme collective noun mvaviYZ singular n‡q _v‡K| ZvB G‡`i mv‡_ singular verb e¨eüZ nq| wKš‘ Gme collective noun-Gi m`m¨‡`i‡K Avjv`v Avjv`vfv‡e Kvh©kxj eySv‡j †m‡¶‡Î G‡`i‡K plural wnmv‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq Ges verb-I plural wnmv‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| G ai‡bi sentence-Gi tag question Kivi mgq g‡b ivL‡Z n‡e †h, D³ collective noun Øviv m`m¨‡`i‡K (Rš‘ wKsev e¨w³‡K) eySv‡j plural subject (they) wn‡m‡e aiv nq, ZvB plural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges e¯‘evPK GKK aviYv eySv‡j singular subject wnmv‡e it e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges verb-I singular nq| †hgb-


a) Twenty dollars does not go far, does it?

b) Five miles is the distance to the office, isn’t it?

c) The staff is meeting in the conference room, isn’t it?

d) The staffs are persuading their clients to sign up again new,

aren’t they?

e) The congress has initiated a pragmatic step to solve the problem,

hasn’t it?

f) Even the congresses have not the right to violate this rule for their own benefits, have they?

g) The crowd was making an unbearable noise, wasn’t it?

h) The crowd has no thought of losing anything, has it? (British)

/ does it? (American)

i) The audience keeps silent atmosphere in the hall-room, doesn’t it?

j) The audience play a vital role in stage-drama, don’t they

k) The committee has decided about taking some immediate forceful actions, hasn’t it?

l) The committee have the bill passed for the rapid progress of the project, haven’t they?

m) The majority believes him to be honest, don’t they?

n) The majority of the members believed her to be innocent,

   didn’t they?

o) Our team is going to play tomorrow, isn’t it?

Bs‡iwR fvlvq adjective-Gi c~‡e© the e¨envi K‡i subject / object Kiv n‡j Giƒc subject / object me©`v plural nq; weavq tag question Ki‡Z G ai‡bi plural subject-Gi Rb¨ they e¨envi Ki‡Z nq Ges verb-I plural nq| †hgb-

(a) The rich are not always happy, are they?

(b) The brave always deserve the fair, don’t they?

(c) The pious will be rewarded in the next world, won’t they?

(d) The idle never can shine in life, can they?

(e) In the society the dishonest can deserve respect from others a little,

can they?


Bs‡iwR fvlvq the father, the mother, the brother BZ¨vw` ¸Yvejx cÖKvkK kãvejxi †ÿ‡Î it e‡m; the moon, ship, ferry, motherland, river BZ¨vw` feminine gender wn‡m‡e we‡ewPZ kãvejxi †ÿ‡Î she e‡m; the sun, death, cold BZ¨vw`i †ÿ‡Î he e‡m; kid, baby, animal BZ¨vw`i †ÿ‡Î it e‡m| †hgb-


(a) Seeing the street child, the father rose in him, didn’t it?

(b) The mother was found in her, wasn’t it?

(c) The Titanic sank at her first voyage, didn’t she?

(d) Bangladesh provides us with all amenities, doesn’t she?

(e) Death comes without one’s notice, doesn’t he?

(f) Because of hunger the baby is crying for its mother, isn’t it?


‡Kvb sentence-Gi subject infinitive phrase (to+verb...) wKsev gerund (verb+ing...) w`‡q MwVZ n‡j †m‡ÿ‡Î tag question Kivi mgq Giƒc subject-Gi cwie‡Z© it e¨envi Ki‡Z nq KviY G ai‡bi subject-wU‡K 3rd person singular number wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| †hgb-


(a) To help the poor and the wretched is not less important than our regular prayers, is it?

(b) Reading various types of journals helps a student make thesis paper, doesn’t it?

(c) Supplying electricity everywhere in Bangladesh is considered a mammoth task, isn’t it?

(d) To study properly for cutting a brilliant figure in the exam should be the prime concern of the students, shouldn’t it?

(e) In the evening everyday playing football helps us build up our body, doesn’t it?


‡Kvb sentence-G e¨eüZ so, too Ges also Øviv affirmative agreement eySv‡j wKsev neither Ges either Øviv negative agreement eySv‡j tag question Kivi mgq Dfq clause-Gi subject wg‡j plural subject ai‡Z nq Ges Z`byhvqx plural verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-


(a) She did not attend the party and neither did I, did we?

(b) Sampa did not attend the conference, and her younger sister did not either, did they?

(c) Shimla went there, and her friend did also,didn’t they?

(d) The girl hasn‟t worked out the sum, and her friend hasn‟t either, have they?

(e) Professor Bulbul didn‟t ask any oral test instead of taking a final exam, and Jennie did not either, did they?

(f) Jane won‟t go to the party and neither will her younger sister, will they?

(g) Your class has not started yet, and neither has mine, have ours?

No sooner......than wKsev As soon as w`‡q sentence _vK‡j than-Gi c‡ii clause-wU Abymv‡i A_ev independent clause-wU Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-

(a) No sooner had the teacher entered the classroom than all the students stood up, didn’t they?

(b) As soon as the police got to the spot, the swindlers ran away, didn’t they?

(c) No sooner had the student finished his writing than the bell rang, didn’t it?

(d) Nobody tried to go out as soon as the alarm was heard,

 did they?



cÖ`Ë sentence-wU‡Z when, while, after, before, till, until, if, since, as, because, though, although, unless BZ¨vw` conjunction _vK‡j †m‡¶‡Î main / principal / independent clause-wU (†h clause-wUi ïiæ‡Z D‡jøwLZ conjunction _v‡K bv) Abymv‡i tag question Ki‡Z nq| †hgb-


(a) The woman had won the first prize in the competition before she was hailed very warmly, hadn’t she?

(b) After Nuzhat had studied a lot, she got A+ in the HSC Examination, didn’t she?

(c) The boy went to college after he had completed his homework, didn’t he?

(d) The man attended the seminar after composing the song, didn’t he?

(e) Before going to market for shopping, the gentleman always takes his credit card with him, doesn’t he?

(f) Pias cannot solve the problem unless he gets help from his friend, can he?

(g) The patient had died before the doctor came, hadn’t he?

(h) If you study well, you can get better grade, can’t you?

(i) Please wait here until I come back, won’t you?

(j) Since Bangladesh is a corrupted country, she can’t produce honest devotees, can she?


cÖ`Ë sentence-wU proverbial sentence (cÖev` ev‡K¨i) n‡j Ges D³ sentence-wU‡Z mywbw`©ó subject I verb bv _vK‡j tag question Ki‡Z affirmative sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î isn’t it Ges negative sentence-Gi †ÿ‡Î is it e‡m| Avevi proverbial sentence-wU imperative n‡j won‟t you / will you w`‡q tag Ki‡Z nq| ZvQvov, †h me proverbial sentence-Gi subject I verb i‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv‡K ¯^vfvweK wbq‡g tag Kiv hvq wKsev †ÿÎwe‡k‡l Ab¨ †Kvb fv‡eI tag Kiv †h‡Z cv‡i| †hgb-


(a) Ill got ill spent, isn’t it?

(b) What is lotted cannot be blotted, can it?

(c) Waste not, want not, will you?

(d) Many men, many minds, isn’t it?

(e) All’s well that ends well, aren’t they?

(f) Harm hatch, harm catch, isn’t it?

(g) Give him an inch, and he will take an ell, won’t he?

(h) The more laws, the more offenders, isn’t it?

(i) Tit for tat, isn’t it?

(j) Nero fiddles while Rome burns, doesn’t he? / isn’t it?

(k) Grasp all, lose all, isn’t it?

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