Saturday, September 16, 2023


SSC English 2nd Paper Board Questions



Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)

1. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions, articles and zero articles (a, an, the or x). .5×10=5

Rangamati is one of (a) most attractive hilly districts of Bangladesh. It is located (b) the western bank of Kaptal Lake. Most of the visitors visit the place for its (c) eye-catching natural beauty. Nature has adorned this town (d) all the elements of beauty. (e)- hills covered with green trees present (f) unique sight. There are many tourist spots here. The suspension bridge of Rangamati is (g) attraction for the tourists. It is also a home of several (h) ethnic groups. (i) trip to Rangamati would be (j) outstanding experience for the nature lovers.

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words: .5×10=5

Bangladesh is a south (a) country. It is blessed with (b) beauty. Natural resources abound in this country. Bangladesh (c) boundary with India and Myanmar. The three sides of the country are surrounded by these two (d) The Bay of Bengal is (e) the south of Bangladesh. The majority of the (f) mangrove forest Sundarbans lies in this country. This forest is the (g) of the world famous Royal Bengal Tiger. A (h) of rivers criss-crossed this forest. It is also a great (i) of natural wealth. Bangladesh got her (J) through a nine month long freedom war.

3. Make six sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.  1×6=6

(a) Global warming

(1)is rising

[i] mainly responsible for it

(b) Irresponsible activities of human beings 

(ii) refers

(ii) due to global warming

(c) Sea level

(iii) to the increase in the temperature of the globe


(d) As a result, the coastal

(iv) must come 

(iv) temperature rise to a great extent

(e) Using of renewable

(v) are going

(v) to an agreement to fight against this disaster

(f) So, world leaders

(vi) can reduce.  

(vi) to be vulnerable

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 1×10=10











Social value (a) to customs, beliefs, special practices and norms. It (b) the culture of a nation. It (c) great educative value in our life. In the past, people were very much conscious of (d) social value in each and every walk of life. Earlier each and every person (e] very careful of social value. But at present our social value is in a great threat. Young people don’t duly to their elders that results in social degradation. As a result, peace and order and decent life are greatly (g) So, with a view to (h)- peace and order in society, social value is badly (i) Without social value, we can’t (j) decent, comfortable, happy and peaceful life.

5. Change the sentences according to directions.1×10=10

(a) The moon is the only sub-planet of the earth. (Interrogative)

(b) It is very charming to look at. (Exclamatory)

(c) Everybody is charmed with its beauty. (Active)

(d) Who doesn’t like the moon? (Affirmative)

(e) The moon is the most beautiful thing. (Positive)

(f) Only the moon shines at night. (Negative)

(g) Poets have composed many poems about the beauty of it. (Passive)

(h) What an exciting scene the full-moon presents! (Assertive)

(i) The moon is not as big as the earth. (Comparative)

(j) We should go out at night to enjoy a moonlit night. (Imperative)

6. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) “Industry is the key to success,” —.

(b) If we want to build up our career, —.

(c) — we can reach our expected destination.

(d) A hard-working student is sure —.

(e) It is high time —.

7. Complete the text adding prefixes, suffixes or both with the root words given in the parenthesis. .5×14=7

(light) (master) our mind. It enables a man to have (b) Knowledge (a) over all forces of nature. There are so many wild beasts which are (c) (strong) than man. There are forces in nature such as (d) (light) and thunder, flood and earthquake, etc. which can In a moment. But a man rules over them all and makes them destroy a man and (e) (civil) to his wish. He makes use of the solar power to (g), (accord) (bright) the serve (f) night. He is the (h) (conquer) of time and space. All discoveries and (1) (invent) are the results of (1) (know) It makes him (k) (doubt) the mightiest of all the (create) in the universe. To maintain (m) (superior) man has to work (n) (through) his life.

8. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×7=7

(a) Modesty is a great virtue, — ?

(b) The modest always respect their superiors, —?

(c) Everybody likes a modest person, —?

(d) A modest student hardly fails to reach his goal, —?

(e) Let’s try to be modest in our way of life, —?

(f) Avoid the immodest companions, —?

(g) An ideal student is always modest in his behaviour, —?

9. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. 5

mehdi said to nitu whats your programme after the text examination nitu said i have decided to visit the padma bridge what an excellent idea it is

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

10. Suppose, you are Salam/Salma and you have completed your post-graduation degree. You have seen a vacancy advertisement for the post of an Assistant Teacher of English in a famous school. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 15

11. Suppose, you are the inhabitants of Polashpur under Homna Upazila, Cumilla. The main road of your locality is severely damaged. Now, write a complaint letter to the DC, Cumilla requesting him to take necessary steps for repairing the road immediately. 10

12. Write a paragraph on Your School Library.



ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERPart A: Grammar (60 Marks) 1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or articles. Some of the blanks may not require a preposition or an article. Put a cross (x) in those blanks. .5×10-5 There is no doubt that youth is (a) best time of (b) life. This is the time when it is (c) — most important (d) — one to remember (e) maxim, “As you sow (f), so shall you reap”. One must seed (g) industry, truthfulness and other virtues (h) this season (i) reap the harvest of prosperity and happiness. Whatever takes root in a man (j) – this time lasts rest of his life and moulds his future.

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words. .5×10=5











A student must have the habit of reading newspaper everyday. Mere (a) knowledge is not enough in this (b) world. Newspapers help him (c) his general knowledge and make him aware of the (d) issues both inside and outside the country. A man who doesn’t read (e) is like a frog in a narrow (f) Being ignorant of the (g) affairs, he (h) take part in the talks and discussions in an enlightened society and feels like a fish out of (i) By reading newspapers, one can widen one’s range of (J) in the field of science, history, geography, literature, etc.

3. Make six sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below. 1×6=6

The Taj


it most on a moonlit night



it as a tomb for his wife

Emperor Shahjahan


at Agra in India



one of the most beautiful buildings in the world



to see the Taj Mahal

I also


to visit the Taj Mahal

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.1×10=10











Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country (a) on the proper utilization of the resources. We should not (b) a lazy life. We all should become industrious. We all should (c) up our country. For this reason, we have to (d) hard. No nation can prosper without Industry. It should be (e) that industry is the key to success. If we (f)- days away, we (g) behind. The nation that (h)) industrious (1) the pinnacle of development. So, we should (

5. Change the sentences according to directions given in the bracket. 1×10=10

(a) Simplicity is a great virtue. (Exclamatory)

(b) Everybody appreciates this quality. (Negative)

(c) It is one of the best qualities. (Positive)

(d) One should practise this virtue. (Passive)

(e) Very few men are as happy as a simple man. (Comparative)

(f) By practising simplicity, one can earn people’s favour. (Negative)

(g)A simple man leads a very carefree life. (Exclamatory)

(h) No other person among us is as happy as a simple man. (Superlative)

(i)Everybody should like simplicity. (Imperative)

(j) So, a simple life should be led by all. (Active)

6. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) I feel like —.

(b) Babies do not know —.

(c) I saw a beggar —.

(d) Were I a rich man —.

e) If you do not work hard, —.

7. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis. .5×14=7

The freedom fighters are the (a) (hero) sons of our land. They fought to save our (b) (gold) Bangla in 1971. We have got the (e)) (independent) of our loving motherland by their (d) (super) sacrifice. Some of the (e). (free) fighters are still (f) (live). Most of the freedom (g) (fight) are now (h) (actual) above 70 years old. (i) (deed), we are very (j) (luck) to see them (k) (direct). As they are our heroic sons, we should respect them (l) (profound). We must remember them (m) (ever). Because they laid down their lives (n) (keep) all behind.

8. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1×7=7

(a) The unfed should be fed, —?

(b) He let me do the work, —?

(c) The Titanic sank on its first voyage, —?

(d) There is no school in our village, —?

(e) The father rose in him, —?

(f) Good morning, sir, —?

g) I have little water, —?

9. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. .5×10=5

Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon He lives in his village with his two brothers When he was asked What makes you decide to stay here in this village He replied Look its true that we could leave this village for a city life But it didnt attract us

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

10. Suppose, some Accounts Officers will be appointed in Meghna Bank. You, Monir/Monira, are interested to be an Accounts Officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 15

11. Suppose, you are the Headmaster of Bangabandhu Secondary School, Safderpur, Kot- chanderpur, Jhenaidah. Your school will remain closed due to summer vacation from 3 June to 19 June. Now, write a notice about it… 10

12. Write a paragraph on ‘Tree Plantation’ in your own words. 15

Sylhet Board 2023

03 SetENGLISH (COMPULSORY)[According to the Syllabus of 2023]SECOND PAPERSubject Code: 1 0 8

Time — 3 hours                                                        Full marks — 100

[N. B. The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]

Part A : Reading Test    Marks — 50

Fill in the blanks with prepositions or articles. Put a cross (×) where no article is needed: 0.5×10=5

1. There are two types (a)        dreams. One is just (b)        dream and completely baseless. Anybody may meet (c)        it while sleeping. Another dream is real. It is very desirable to (d)        conscious and great person. Generally, it is called (e)        future plan. To be a great person this dream is (f)        must. Then go ahead (g)        the working field. Really, if there is no real dream, there is no interest (h)        action. True success depends (i)        a real dream. Remember, a life without (j)        aim or dream is like a ship without a rudder.

2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words: 0.5×10=5











English language has a (a)        importance. It is the (b)        language in our country. We study it as a (c)        subject from class I to class XII. Even then, we are not able to (d)        well. There are so many (e)        behind it. Firstly, there is no (f)        development of the syllabus according to the class standard. Secondly, the examinations are taken only based on (g)        skill. Thirdly, lack of (h)        is responsible for it. Another problem is the lack of English speaking (i)       . Finally, there is a shortage of English teachers (j)        the country.

3. Make six sentences using the parts of sentences from each columns of the table below: 1×6=6

Tree plantationTrees
Cutting treesIt


very essential for balanced environment.opposite to tree with wood, fruits and flowers.dangerous for the environment.called the air purifier.

the main cause of environment pollution.

4. Complete the following text with right form of verbs given in the box. 1×10=10











We should (a)        the lifestyle of the ants and bees. They (b)        good use of their time and store food for the rainy days. They never (c)        a single moment in negligence or indolence. So they never (d)        into extreme crisis. We (e)        the best creatures in creation. We (f)        everything good and bad. We can (g)        better than the others. We should all (h)        every moment properly. Punctuality (i)        the best tonic in this regard. We should (j)        the footsteps of the famous persons.

5. Change the sentences according to directions given in the bracket:

(a) The student is known to me. (Active)

(b) She gave me an interesting book. (Passive)

(c) Jashore is older than Magura. (Positive)

(d) Truthfulness is the best quality of a person. (Comparative)

(e) No other city in Bangladesh is as popular as Dhaka. (Superlative)

(f) My friend is always punctual. (Negative)

(g) He is a great fool. (Exclamatory)

(h) How bright the student is! (Assertive)

(i) We should obey our teachers. (Imperative)

(j) Take care of your health. (Passive)

6. Complete the following sentences (using conditionals, gerund, infinitives, participle): 1×5=5

(a) If you eat a balanced dies,          .

(b)           I would join the party.

(c)           is a good exercise.

(d) His syllabus is          

(e)           is a great sin.

7. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parenthesis : 0.5×14=7

Mr. Peter is a good student. He is very (a)           (study). He is always (b)           (mind) to his studies and also (c)           (duty) to his daily activities. He is very (d)           (respect) to his elders. He is (e)           (truth) also. Weak students find him as a (f)           (help) figure. His (g)           (think) power is admirable. He is really (h)           (create) in any writing. He never forgets the benefit of (i)           (punctual). (j)           (sincere) is another quality of his daily activities. He is also an early (k)           (rise). Any problem cannot make him (l)           (attentive). He always behaves very (m)           (polite) with every person. His (n)           (honest) cannot be expressed in a word.

8. Make tag questions of the following statements :

(a) Fishes can swim,         ?

(b) Help the helpless,          ?

(c) ‘She’ is a pronoun,          ?

(d) He put the bag here,          ?

(e) They seldom come to me,          ?

(f) The friendship rose in them, ,          ?

(g) Let’s go to the outing, ,          ?

9. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the following text :

Mainul Islam is a qualified farmer in Naogaon He lives in his village with his two brothers When he was asked What makes you decide to stay here in this village He replied Look its true that we could leave this village for a city life But it didnt attract us

Part B : Writing Test

Marks — 40

10. Suppose, you are Selim/ Selima of Nowapara, Jashore. A cashier will be appointed in the National Bank, Dhaka. You are very interested for the post. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the same. Your CV should not exceed one page.

11. Suppose, people of your area have to suffer a lot because of irregular deliver of letters. Now, write a complain letter to the postmaster of Jashore Head Post Office, Jashore.  10

12. Suppose, you have visited the book fair held in your town this year and you have a great experience. Now, write a paragraph on “Your Visit to a Book Fair” in your own words.


ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar (60 Marks)1. Fill in the gaps with suitable prepositions, articles & zero articles (a, an, the or x). .5×10-5

Rangamati is one (a) the most attractive hilly districts of Bangladesh. It is located (b) the western bank of Kaptal Lake. Most of the visitors visit the place for its (c) eye-catching natural beauty. Nature has adorned this town (d) all the elements of beauty. (e); hills covered with green trees present (f) unique sight. There are many tourist spots here. The suspension bridge of Rangamati is (g) attraction for the tourists. It is also a home of several (h)- ethnic groups. (i) trip to Rangamati would be (j) outstanding experience for the nature lovers.

2.Fill in the blanks with the words from the box. You may need to change the forms of some of the words.   .5×10=5











The Padma Multi-purpose Bridge has opened a new (a) – in the history of Bangladesh. This (b) project has been implemented (c) any foreign aid. The southern 21 districts were cut (d) from the mainland by the mighty Padma River. So, this vast area could not keep pace with economic development. But, direct connection with the capital by this the other parts (e) bridge is going to expand in and commerce. Besides (g) is also going to speed up. All these are contributing a lot to our economic (h) and surely reduce the (i) of those regions. The construction of the bridge which was our long cherished (j)- at last came true.

3. Make six sentences using the parts of sentences from each column of the table below.  1×6=6

(a) Wildlife

(i) is

(i) on wildlife

(b) Balance of ecosystem largely

(ii) refers

(ii) harmful to wildlife

(c) Any development

(iii) depends

(iii) to all animals, plants found in the forests

(d) Urbanization and Industrialization

(iv) should take

(iv) be extinct

(e) As a result, many animals

(v) have also increased

 (v) united efforts to protect wildlife

(f) For our own existence, we

(vi) are going to

(vi) deforestation to a great extent

4. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. 1×10=10











Social value (a) to customs, beliefs, special practices and norms. It (b)the culture of a nation. It (c) great educative value in our life. In the past, people were very much conscious of (d) social value in each and every walk of life. Earlier each and every person (e) very careful of social value. But at present our social value is in a great threat. Young people don’t (f) duly to their elders that results in social degradation. As a result, peace and order and decent life are greatly (g) So, with a view to (h) peace and order in society, social value is badly (i) Without social value, we can’t (j) decent, comfortable, happy and peaceful life.

5. Change the sentences according to the directions. 1×10=10

(a) Newspaper is one of the most useful sources of knowledge. (Positive)

(b) It carries both local and international news. (Negative)

(c) It reflects the whole world like a mirror. (Interrogative)

(d) We cannot help reading newspaper daily. (Affirmative)

(e) It contains daily news. (Passive)

(f) We are helped in many ways by it. (Active)

(g) By reading newspaper, we can enrich our knowledge. (Negative)

(h) It is called the people’s parliament. (Active)

(i) Nothing is so important as it. (Comparative)

(j) We should read newspaper to know the outside world more. (Imperative

6. Complete the following sentences. 1×5=5

(a) “Health is wealth,”—.

(b) Everybody should realize this truth to —.

(c) If we follow the rules of health, —.

(d) One can keep oneself safe by —.

(e) Immune system can be developed by —.

7. Complete the text adding prefixes, suffixes or both to the root words given in the parenthesis. .5×14=7

Bangladesh is mainly a (a) – (river) and (b) (agriculture) country. (c) (major) of her people live in villages and most of them are farmers. (d) (fortunate). the condition of our farmers is (e) (satisfactory) – They can (n (hard) lead a carefree life. Their life is full of miseries and (g) [advantages) They can’t plough their land (b)- (proper) – due to (1) (finance) and (technology) support. They need assistance from the (k) (govern) to come out of their age-old (1) (convention) method. Scientific system of cultivation is going to be (m) (gradual) successful and (n) (effect)

8. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1×7=7

(a) War is a curse of human civilization, —?

(b) Everybody suffers from it, —?

(c) Massive destruction is found everywhere, —?

(d)None can escape from the bombings of the enemy, —?

(e) Women and children are the worst sufferers, —?

(f) Nobody supports the war, —?

(g) Let’s avoid war to live in peace, —?

9.Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. .5×10=5

once my mother said to me who came to you my friend rafiq mom she asked what did he want! said his mother is ill he needs some money i have given him five hundred taka my mother said wonderful

Part B: Composition (40 Marks)

10. Suppose, some junior officers will be appointed in Dhaka Bank Ltd. You, Samim/Samia, are interested to be a junior officer. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the above post. 10

11. Suppose, you are Nadir/Nadira, a student of Nurpur School. There are lack of common room facilities. Now, write a complaint letter to the Headmaster of your school to increase common room facilities as soon as possible.

12. Write a paragraph on ‘Our National Flag. 15


ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERPart A: Grammar (30 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions or articles. You have to put a cross (X) where article is not needed. .5×10=5It was 4 in the afternoon. Hamid was studying (a) — the library when his cell phone rang. It was his younger sister, Runa. She said that she was standing (b) — front of (c) — shopping mall opposite Hamid’s office and asked him to meet her there as soon as possible. Hamid hurried out of (d) — library. As he went (e) — the street, he noticed that Runa was not alone. She was holding (f) — three to four years old girl (g) — hand. (h) — child was crying and Runa was trying frantically (i) — to pacify her. Some passers-by were looking (j) — them suspiciously. When he reached her, she started to explain.

2. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.  .5×10=5











Bangladesh is full of natural resources. The prosperity of the country (a) — on the proper utilization of the resources. We should not (b) — a lazy life. We should all (c) — up our country. For this reason, we have to (d) — hard. No nation can prosper without industry. It should be (e) — that industry is the key to success. If we (f) — the days away, we (g) — behind. The nations that (h) — industrious (i) — the pinnacle of development. So we (j) — them.

3. Change the following sentences according to the directions. 1×5=5

(a) Bangladesh is a low-lying country. (Change it into Interrogative)

(b) Every year natural disasters visit us. (Change it into passive voice)

(c) Who does not know the consequence of Tsunami? (Change it into Assertive sentence)

(d) The recent flood was very devastating. (Change it into Exclamatory sentence)

(e) Dhaka is the most risky city in the earthquake zone. (Change it into Positive degree)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parentheses. .5×10-5

The aim of (a) (educate) is to make a man fully equipped to be (b) (use) himself and to society. A (c) (true) educated person should be self-reliant with regard to his (d) (person) needs. He should be well-mannered, (e) (thought) sympathetic and cooperative. He should be (f) (truth), honest, punctual and (g) (duty) Punctuality is a virtue that makes a nation (h) (prosper) An educated person tries to (i) (move) the suffering of his countrymen. He also helps others in attaining (j) (self reliant).

5. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a) Everybody wants to lead a better life, —?

(b) A better life seldom comes without hard work, —?

(c) We have to work hard for this, —?

(d) But most of us can hardly do the job, —?

(e) Actually, life is not a bed of roses, —?

6. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. .5×10=5

have you killed the rats said the mayor yes I have replied the piper give me the promised money how funny you are said the mayor take only fifty

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you are Samira/Shamim and you have passed BSc Hons in Chemistry. You have seen a circular for the post of a Medical Representative in a renowned company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 10

8. Suppose, you are Sami/Sara living in Sylhet. You went to Dhaka by train yesterday. You lost your goods while going to Dhaka. Now, write a letter to the Chief Operating Officer of Bangladesh Railway complaining about your missing goods.


ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERPart A: Grammar (30 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or articles. Put a cross (X) where no article is needed.    .5×10-5A national flag is (a) matter of pride for a nation. Every independent nation in (b) world has a national flag (c) its own. As (d) Independent nation, we have a national flag. Our national flag is (e)” symbol of independence. In sovereignty and prosperity. Red and green colours are used in it. The red colour used in (g) flag indicates (h): martyrs who laid down their valuable lives (1) the independence of our country. We must uphold its (J) honour.

2. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. .5X10=5










Mobile phone is an important medium of modern communication which (a) intercommunication. It (b) our life very easy and comfortable. The world (c) smaller due to the rapid use of it. Mobile phone connected with the Internet (d) Its users watch TV, and use social media like Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, etc. We (e) almost everything by using various mobile apps. We can check mails and (f) the reply through it. The use of mobile phone (g) noticeably during COVID-19. Nowadays, teachers and students (h) dependent on it greatly. It has played a vital role in (1) online education. But excessive use of if causes unpredictable health hazards. So, we (1) It excessively.

3. Change the sentences according to directions.  1×5=5

(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Make it positive)

(b) In fact, it is a blessing of science. (Make it negative without changing the original meaning)

(c) It has facilitated the world very greatly. (Make it exclamatory)

(d) Moreover, it has lessened our workloads. (Make it passive)

(e) So, we should use it in our everyday life. (Make it imperative)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parentheses. .5×10=5

Health is wealth. To keep in good health, we have to follow many things. Physical exercise is one of them. It increases our appetite and improves (a) (digest) power. If anybody suffers from (b) (digest) he should take physical exercise. Proper (c) (digest) of food removes his loss of appetite. Physical exercise removes (d) (constipate) and helps proper blood (e) (circulate) Our antibodies will be (f)- (act) if our blood circulation is (g) (normal) (h) (proper) blood circulation in our bodies may cause many (i) predictable physical problems. So, we must take physical exercise for the (j) (improve) of blood circulation.

5. Add tag questions to the following statements. 1×5=5

(a) Reading books is a good habit,—?

(b) One should read books to acquire knowledge,—?

(c) Reading books never goes in vain,—?

(d) There is a saying, “The more you read, the more you learn”,—?

(e) So, a student should form the habit of reading books,—?

6. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. .5×10=5

Monira said to Protiva How does the question seem to you Have you got everything common. No one item is uncommon to me. What about you said Protiva. Im in the same position like you replied Monira.

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you are Kabir/Kabita. You have passed the HSC this year. You have found a vacancy advertisement published in The Daily Ittefaq’ for the post of a salesman in a manufacturing company. Now, write a CV with a cover letter to the Manager for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page.

8. Suppose, you are Abid/Abida of class X of Raipura Adarsha High School, Raipura, Narsingdi. You have a canteen in your school. But the quality of foods is not good and healthy. Now, write a complaint letter to the Headmaster about it. 10



Part A: Grammar (30 Marks)ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions or articles. Some of the blanks may not require a preposition or an article. Put a cross mark (x) in those blanks.It is needless to say that washing hands is very important for us. It is certainly (a) issue. Washing hands regularly can save us from a kind of infectious disease (b) 5×10-5 important COVID-19. Washing hands with soap is (c) must. We have to wash hands (d) – taking meal and (e) using the toilet. Again, we should wash hands after touching sick members (f) our family and pet animals. Washing hands is also strictly recommended after coming back (g) outside. Washing hands in (h) proper way may help us stay away from coronavirus. (i) reason is that coronavirus spreads through touch. So, it is (j) important to keep our hands clean.

2. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs given in the box. .5×10=5











Truth always (a) in the world. Falsehood may (b) for the time being. Those, who (c)- engaged in (d) the truth are (e) by the people. Those who [1] interest in telling lies cannot (g) in life. They may prosper seemingly. But, after all, they become really (b) Socrates throughout his life would preach the truth. He tried to make people (i) what was good for them. He was troubled by the powerful people. Yet, he never (j) teaching good things.

3. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) Only you can do the work. (Negative)

(b) No other friend is as great as books. (Superlative)

(c) The rose is a very nice flower. (Exclamatory)

(d) We should be patriots. (Imperative)

(e) He called it laurel. (Passive)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or both with the root words given in the parentheses. 5×10-5

Everybody knows that (a) (smoke) is a (b) (danger) bad habit. It is (c) (harm) to health. It is also (d) (cost) A (e) (smoke) should not smoke (f) (public) Smoking creates (g) (pollute) A single puff of cigarette contains thi diseases which are (numerable) harmful particles that cause many (i) (respirator) incurable. But there are many people who are (j) (aware) of the bad effects of smoking.

5. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1X5-5

(a) He let me do it, —?

(b) Let’s be sincere in our life, ?

(c) Everybody respects the freedom fighters.

(d) Success cannot be achieved without efforts.

(e) He has to lead a miserable life, ?

6. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.          .5×10-5

Shoel asked Alam Friend have you ever visited the National Memorial at Savar in Dhaka Wow how Splendid it is Yes I havent yet gone there said Alam.

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Mind that, you are Tamim/Tamima. Your home district is Khulna. You have recently completed MBA from Dhaka University. You have found a job advertisement in The Daily Prothom Alo that there is a vacancy post for the position of a Junior Marketing Officer in BD Textile Limited. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 10

8. Suppose, you are Munir/Mita, a student of Joypara High School, Manikganj. Your school has some computers for the students. But it is very sorry to say that most of the computers are out of order. So, the students cannot get proper facilities for practice. Now, write a complaint letter to the Headmaster to take proper steps about this immediately. 10




ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERPart A: Grammar (30 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions, articles and zero articles. .5×10=5Bangladesh is a free land but she is beset (a) many problems. The use of poly bags is very dreadful. Recently it has become (b) great threat (c) our environment. (a) bags block the drainage system. As a result, the low-lying areas (e) the towns and the cities go under (f) dirty water when it rains heavily. The used poly bags also destroy (g) — fertility of our soil. Our government has already banned the production (h) — poly bags. Yet some greedy and (i) — dishonest businessmen are producing the bags (j) — their own interest.

used poly

2. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box. .5×10-5











Social value denotes customs, beliefs, social practices and norms. Besides, social value (a) to in a the mode of manners and the way of behaviour. Social value is (b) as the picture of the culture of a nation. It (c) a great educative value in our life. In the past, people were very much conscious of (d) social values. Dishonesty, cruelty, misconduct, untruthfulness. rude behaviour, etc. were strongly hated and (e) in society. At present, our social value (f) great threat. Young people (g) due respect to their elders. They are seen (h) in different types of antisocial activities. As a result, peace and order and decent life are greatly (i) —.  It is high time we (j) — social awareness about social values.

3. Change the sentences according to directions.

(a) The government has almost completed the construction of the Padma Bridge. (Passive)

(b) This is the largest bridge of Bangladesh. (Comparative degree)

(c) The countrymen will be very happy when it will be opened for use. (Exclamatory)

(d) It is a mega project. (Negative)

(e) We should go to visit it. (Imperative)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parentheses. .5×10=5

The nature of a mother’s love is the same in all countries. It is (a) (universe) for our (b) (exist) on earth, we (c) (great) owe to our father and mother. (d) (special) to our mother. A mother’s love is (e) (parallel) and unique. A child’s (f) — (relate) with its mother is (g) (heaven) and (h) (spirit) see a mother (i) (different) to her child’s well-being.

5. Make tag questions of the following statements.

(a) Industry is the key to success, —?

(b) The industrious are prosperous, —?

(c) They hardly suffer from poverty, —?

(d) On the other hand, there is no alternative to industry, —?

(e) Let us try to be industrious, —?

6 . Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.   1×5=5

the old woman said can you give me some food I have been starving for three days the young man said why do you beg cant you work

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you are Jamil/Jamila and you have completed your Honours and Master’s degrees in English and you are looking for a job. Recently you have seen an advertisement for the post of an Assistant Teacher in English at Balaka Model High School, Dhaka. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. Your CV should not exceed one page. 10

8. Imagine, you are Helal/Helena, a student of class 9 of Rupali Public School, Tangail. Your school has a big library, but the collection of books and sitting arrangement are not satisfactory. Now, write a complaint letter to your Headmaster to solve the problem.



ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERPart A: Grammar (30 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and articles (a, an, the and zero articles).  .5×10=5Road accidents have recently become (a) regular phenomenon in our country. As a result of the accidents, many persons fall a victim (b) untimely death. It is reported that most of the accidents occur (c) the violation of traffic rules by (d)) unskilled drivers and unconscious passers-by. Many unlicensed and faulty vehicles also endanger (e) passengers and (f) passers-by. So, in order to save us (g) the accidents, (h) government is trying to create awareness (i) the people and has passed strict laws (j) the accused.

2. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the text. form consider .5×10-5











In an educational institution teacher-student relationship is (a) — to be the most important matter, it is such a relationship that is (b) — on the basis of mutual (c) —. A student always (d) — to his teachers because he cannot but (e) — help from them in case of (f) —. The sensible students never (g) — their teachers. Moreover, they (h) — their memorable teachers’ role which helps them (i) — in life. So, they always (j) — their teachers.

3. Change the sentences according to directions given in the bracket. 1×5-5

(a) The freedom fighters are considered to be the real heroes of our country. (Active)

(b) Their contribution will never be forgotten. (Affirmative)

(c) Their sacrifice is greater than any other thing. (Positive)

(d) By taking proper steps, we can improve their condition. (Negative)

(e) We must show proper respect to them. (Passive)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parentheses. .5×10=5

Life without leisure and (a) [relax) is dull. Life becomes (b) (charm)- If one does not have any time to enjoy the (c) (beauty) objects of nature. (d) (monotony) -work hinders the (e) (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) (rich) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) (work) is (h) (harm)- Leisure does not mean (i) (Idle) It gives freshness to (j) (recreate) our energy.

5. Make tag questions of the following statements. 1×5=5

(a) Everyone is nostalgic in life, —?

(b) We hardly forget the golden past, —?

(c) The memories of childhood are always haunting us, —?

(d) The sweetest memories of childhood are colourful, —?

(e) Who forgets these memories, —?

6. Use capitals and punctuation marks where necessary in the following text.

go to bed now mother said you can complete your assignment in the morning no mom ill finish it

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, a computer programmer will be appointed in the National ICT Research Centre, Dhaka. You are very interested for the post. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the same. 10.

8. People of all sections have to suffer a lot because of load-shedding. The economic frame of the country is going to be weak for it. Now, write a complaint letter to the editor of a newspaper 10 about the problem of frequent load-shedding over the country.

Cumilla BOARD-2022

Part A: Grammar (30 Marks)1. Fill in the blanks with prepositions and articles (a, an, the or X). .5×10=5

Travelling has (a) great influence (b) – our minds. The human mind always craves (e) change. There is none who does not feel a thrill of joy (d) the new sight of experience. The traveller comes in contact (e) various types of people. If he moves (f) the observant eyes, he can acquire (g) lot of practical knowledge about men and things of (h) world which books alone cannot provide. Travelling gives us (i) opportunity to enjoy the more enchanting sights of nature. It helps one enrich his knowledge and makes him completely (j) perfect man.

2. Complete the following text with right forms of verbs given in the box. .5×10=5











You must have (a) — the name of Kazi Nazrul Islam. He (b) — our national poet. He (c) — as a rebel poet as well. He (d) — into a poor family. But dire needs could not (e) — his potentiality. When the First World War broke out, he (f) — the army. After the war, he (g) — to write poems. At that time, his poems and songs (h) — people against oppression. He (i) — the Shelley of Bangla literature. We should (j) — him for his great deeds.

3. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×5=5

(a) Very few conquerors of the world were so great as Taimur. (Superlative)

(b) The province of a powerful prince was once attacked by young Taimur. (Active)

(c) He captured a large village. (Passive)

(d) The army killed Taimur’s all soldiers. (Negative)

(e). He did not disguise himself as a rich traveller to survive. (Affirmative)

4. Complete the text adding suffix, prefix or the both with the root words given in the parentheses. .5×10-5

(a) (Forestation) means cutting down of trees (b)(discriminately) Bangladesh is a (c) (dense) populated country. This huge population needs more shelter, (d) (agriculture) land, fuel and furniture, etc. For all these reasons, people cut trees. Moreover, there are (e) (honest) people who cut trees for making money (f) (legally) The (g) (remove) of trees causes serious damage to the soil as trees give (h) (protect) to soil as well. The temperature will rise and it will cause greenhouse effect. One day, the country will be (i) (suitable) for living. So, tree (j) (plant) programme should be extended throughout the country.


5. Make tag questions of these statements. 1×5=5

(a) Good health means the health free from all kinds of diseases, —?

(b) One can keep good health by following certain rules, —?

(c) He is to eat a balanced diet, —?

(d) He has to take regular physical exercise, —?

(e) He must enjoy sound sleep, —?

6. Use punctuation and capital letters where necessary in the following text. .5×10=5

mr. hasan a renowned english teacher has been teaching in our school for the past five years he is honest and sincere he is our favourite teacher we love him much

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, you want to be a teacher and you have seen an advertisement in a newspaper. An Assistant Teacher will be appointed in Nurpur High School, Netrokona. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post of an Assistant Teacher. Your CV should not exceed one page. 10

8. Suppose, you are an inhabitant of Mymensingh City, Mymensingh. The people of your locality suffer greatly due to insufficient water supply. Now, write a letter to the Mayor complaining about insufficient water. 10


ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPERA: Grammar Part (30 Marks) 1.Fill in the blanks with suitable prepositions, articles and zero articles. .5×10=5Nowadays, parents are very conscious (a) — the harmful effect of punishment (b) — children. Child psychologists think that both (c) — physical and mental punishments can be disastrous for (d) — child’s growth and development. It may lead (e) — fear and hatred of the person who punishes (f) — child. Again if (g) — child is punished, it may lack initiative. It may also feel hostile (h) — others. So, rude (i) — behavior gradually develops (j) — him.

2. Complete the following text with right forms of the verbs given in the box.   .5×10=5











Everybody (a) — that food adulteration (b) —, a crime. Adulterated food is poisonous and (c) — fatal diseases. People (d) — this kind of food (e) — a victim to liver disease, cancer, kidney failure and so on. Some businessmen who are avaricious and (f) — after money only (g) — this heinous work. They (h) — on the miseries of others. They (i) — punishment, some strict measures should be (j) — to stop this abominable task of the greedy businessmen.

3. Change the sentences according to directions. 1×5=5

(a) Computer is one of the greatest inventions of modern science. (Positive)

(b) Computer is a blessing on earth. (Negative)

(c) We must learn how to use computer. (Imperative)

(d) Computer helps us a lot. (Passive)

(e) Because of its usefulness, it has become very popular. (Exclamatory)

4. Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words given in the parentheses.   .5×10=5

Life without leisure and (a) (relax) is dull. Nobody can work without rest. Life becomes (b) (charm) if man does not have any time to enjoy (c) (beauty) objects of nature. (d) (monotony) work hinders the (e)- (smooth)- of work. Leisure (f) (new) our spirit of work. Everybody knows that (g) (work) – is (h) (harm) Leisure does not mean (i) (idle) It gives (j) fresh) to our mind.

5. Add tag questions to the statements below. 1×5=5

(a) Time and tide wait for none, —?

(b) Unfortunately, many of us waste our time, —?

(c) None can prosper in life without utilizing time properly, —?

(d) So, everybody should realize this truth, —?

(e) Let’s make the best use of time, —?

6. Use punctuation marks where necessary in the following text. .5×10-5

once a rich banker said to a poor cobbler How much do you earn a year The cobbler replied laughing I never count in this way I earn barely enough to pass a day and I’m happy Are you really happy said the banker.

Part B: Composition (20 Marks)

7. Suppose, some computer operators will be appointed in Prime Bank. You, Labib/Tanha, are interested to be a computer operator. Now, write a CV with a cover letter for the post. 10

8. Suppose, your village is badly affected by the recent flood. The people have been suffering severely due to lack of food and shelter. Now, write an application to the UNO for the relief goods for the affected people. 10








  SSC English 2nd Paper Board Questions DHAKA BOARD-2023 ENGLISH (COMPULSORY) SECOND PAPER Part A: Grammar (60 M...