Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Assertive to Interrogative Sentence Changing

 Assertive to Interrogative Sentence Changing







None, No one, No man, No person, Nobody

Who +  verb + …….? /

Can / Could anybody  + verb ………..?

Asser: None can avoid death.

Inter: Who can avoid death? /

    Can anyone avoid death?


Everybody,  Everyone,  Every man,  all, all men + verb

Who does not / did not/ who cannot /who could not + verb + …….?

Asser: Everybody wants to be happy

Inter: Who does not wan o be happy?


Everybody,  Everyone,  Everyman,  all, all men +  ‘to be’  verb

Who is not /  Who was not + ……..?

Asser: All are equal  in the eye of  law.

Inter: Who is not equal  in the eye of law?


Every + noun

Every mother

Every father

Is there any + noun who does not + verb …….?

Asser: Every mother loves her child.

Inter: Is there any mother who does not love her child?




Asser: Abid never  tells a lie.

Inter: Does Abed ever  tell a lie?




Asser: Nothing can prevent me.

Inter: Can anything stop me?


There is no use + noun  ……

What is the use of + ………?

Asser: There is no use of this machine.

Inter: What is the use of this machine?


There is nobody + adjective + than .. ….

Who is  + adjective + than ……..?

Asser: There is nobody wiser than her.

Inter: Who is wiser than her?


Nothing but

What ……..but …… ?

Asser: Life is nothing but a hell.

Inter: What is life but a hell?






  • 1. We shall forget these happy moments.
  • 2. She likes white dress.
  • 3. They drank salty water.
  • 4.  He was not a meritorious boy.
  • 5.  Everybody loves his motherland.
  • 6. Nobody can trust such a liar.
  • 7. Everybody wishes to be happy.
  • 8. His glory can never fade.
  • 9. She had nothing to say.
  • 10. There is no hope for me if you do not come.
  • 11. There is no use of this statue.
  • 12. He always speaks the truth.
  • 13. I can never forget you.
  • 14. She did the work of her own accord.
  • 15. I bought nothing in the fair.
  • 16.  Every student wants to make a good result.           
  • 17.  I must go here.
  • 18.  None should deny the truth.
  • 19.  She is never inattentive.
  • 20.  Nobody believes a liar.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Affirmative to Negative Sentence Changing


Transformation of Sentences

Subject: English 2nd Paper


Affirmative to Negative







None but

Aff: Only Allah can help us.

Neg: None but Allah can help us.


Only (Things)

Nothing but

Aff: He likes only sweet.

Neg: He likes nothing but sweet.


Only (Age)

Not more than /

Not less than

Aff: He is only ten.

Neg: He is not more than ten.


Only (Number )

Not more than /

Not less than

Aff: The man has only a shirt.

Neg: The man has not more than a shirt.


Alone (Person)

None but

Aff: Allah alone can save us.

Neg: None but Allah can save us.



Can’t but /

Can’t help+verb+ing

Aff: You must obey your parents.

Neg: You cannot but obey your parents. /

You cannot help obeying your parents.


Have to

Can’t but /

Can’t help + verb+ing

Aff: We have to leave this beautiful world.

Neg: We cannot but leave this beautiful world. /

We cannot help leaving this beautiful world.


Has to

Can’t but /

Can’t help + verb+ing

Aff: He has to run his family.

Neg: He cannot but run his family. /

He cannot help running his family.


Had to

Couldn’t but /

Couldn’t help + verb+ing

Aff: I had to join the study tour.

Neg: I could not but join the study tour. /

I could not help joining the study tour.


Need to

Can’t but /

Can’t help + verb+ing

Aff: I need to go there.

Neg: I cannot but go there. /

        I cannot help going there.


Needed to

Couldn’t but /

Couldn’t help + verb+ing

Aff: I needed to go there.

Neg: I could not but go there. /

I could not help going there.



Not a few

Aff: I have many friends.

Neg: I have not a few friends.


A few

Not many

Aff: I have a few friends.

I have not many friends.


A little

Not much

Aff: I have a little rice.

Neg: I have not much rice.



Not a little

Aff: He has much money.

Neg: He has not a little money.


As soon as

No sooner had …..than

Aff: As soon as the thief saw the police, he ran away.

Neg: No sooner had the thief seen the police then he ran away.


Scarcely ……when

No sooner had …..than

Aff: Scarcely had the thief seen the police when he fled away.

Neg: No sooner had the thief seen the police than he fled away. 


Hardly …..when

No sooner had …..than

Aff: Hardly had the bird seen the hunter when it flew away.

Neg: No sooner had the bird seen the hunter than it flew away. 



Every + Noun

Every mother

Every student

There is no +noun+but+verb /

There is no ….. who does not+ verb

Aff: Every mother loves her child.

Neg: There is no mother but loves her child. /

There is no mother who does not love her child.


As …….as

Not less ….than /

No less ….than

Aff: My father is as wise as our Headmaster.

Neg: My father is not less wise then our Headmaster.


Less ……. than

Not as …..as

Aff: My father is less wise then our Headmaster.

Neg: My father is not as wise as our Headmaster.


Boyh ….and

Not only ……but also

Aff: He is both a student and a player.

Neg: He is not only a student but also a player.


Too …….to

So  ……..that

Aff: He is too weak to walk.

Neg: He is so week that he cannot walk.



Do not always / Does not always

Did not always / Not always

Aff: Abed sometimes comes to our house.

Neg: Abed does not always come to our house.



Never + adjective’s antonym  

Aff: Diba was always punctual.

Neg: Diba was never late.


For the last time

Never …..again

Aff: He came here for the last time.

Neg: He never came here again.


For good

Never …..again

Aff: He has given up smoking for good.

Neg: He will never smoke again.


For ever

Never …..again

Aff: He has left the village forever.

Neg: He will never come to his village again.


Affirmative word

Not + antonym

Aff: The man is happy.

Neg: The man is not unhappy.


Universal truth

Negative Interrogative                                    ( auxiliary +n’t)

Aff: Health is wealth.

Neg: Isn’t health wealth?


1)      Only the meritorious will get the job.

2)      Rishad was alone alive in the accident.

3)      I bought only a few chocolates for my son.

4)      He has only two handsets.

5)      We must obey our elders.

6)      All men must die.

7)      He is too weak to walk.

8)      The freedom fighters are both honorable and remembered.

9)      As soon as I got the job, I informed my friends.

10)  Every man wants to be crowned of success.

11)  A patriot is respected by all.

12)  Honesty is the best policy.

13)  Knowledge is power.

14)  I have a few friends.

15)  He had many friends but they did not come to assist him at his rainy day.

16)  There is a little water in the glass.

17)  Mr. Susan has much popularity in the society.

18)  Man is mortal.

19)  Dhaka is an old city.

20)  Anupoma is strong in English.

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